Sport for Development: From Black Sheep to Sacred Cow?

Sports have long been the black sheep in the family of development approaches. As an example neither physical education, physical activity nor sports are mentioned in any of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, except for the general acknowledgement of sport as an enabler. This has now changed. With the UN General Assembly’s adoption of…

Corona is like a Litmus Test that Reveals Social Inequality

If we dare give real influence and responsibility to children and youth with minority ethnic background, sports can help break the social inequality A few weeks ago I picked up the office phone. Admitted … I rarely do that. But due to corona dislocations in the office, I was sitting right there by the phone….

A safe space for children to play sports

By guest blogger Katrine Bruun Bonnén The citizens of Beirut are facing several challenges if they want to stay physically active. The city is full of cars and the traffic is heavy. Membership of a sports club is a luxury many can not afford and there are hardly any places for free public play. This…